Our Care & Community Ministry is committed to supporting you and your family through the joy and pain of life. Let us know if there is a way we as a community can be praying for you.
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University has many different Sunday school classes and Bible studies for people of all ages and stages of life.
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University has various life groups for people in all phases of life.
Life Groups
Kids 2 years old through completed/ current 5th grade are invited to Start the Party! This summer's Vacation Bible School will be full of energy and movement as we learn more about the good news of Jesus. We hope you'll join us as we celebrate friendship, belonging, love, and purpose!
ATTENTION 5TH GRADE PARENTS: We know the current/ completed 5th graders are ready for a more mature VBS experience. That's why we have designed a unique schedule just for them! They will have choices throughout the day from participation, volunteering with preschoolers, and/or leading from the stage. They will be led by our awesome Student Ministry team!
© 2017 University Methodist Church | 5084 De Zavala, San Antonio, TX US 78249